General laundry advice

The universal cleaning factors apply to all laundry: time, temperature, agitation and the correct cleaning products.

We are currently writing more specific cleaning instructions for toys and non-nappy items. As with nappy laundry, the universal cleaning factors apply. With the correct combination of time, temperature, agitation and the right products, stains and smells are a thing of the past.

Clean Cloth Nappies has made washing so much easier. I don’t have to worry about empyting the washing machine as soon as it’s finished, my clothes *never* smell no matter how long I leave them. As a busy mum of two sometimes things fall behind and it’s nice to know that the worst thing that can happen if I leave a basket of washing for a day before I dry it is a crinkle here or there.

When I learned effective and efficient wash techniques for nappies and applied them to my clothes I had stains that had been there for years disappear. It’s saved me money because when I pulled out my older kid’s clothes to use for the younger kid the vast majority were stain free and in great condition.

It even makes me a better, more present parent. When my kids make big messes in their clothes (like when my son ate spaghetti in a restaurant and completely covered himself in spaghetti sauce) I was able to laugh at how cute he was because I wasn’t stressed about whether I could get the stains out.

Bethany, Australia

Removing stains and smells

Follow our stain removal advice to remove oxidisable stains, such as food or dirt. Using the longest cycle on your machine, a warm-hot (40ºC-60ºC) wash and good quality detergent removes most organic stains and embedded soiling.

Many members are surprised how much detergent they need to use for their children’s clothing. Children are often dirt and grime magnets (we mean this in the best way). This means their clothes require significantly more detergent than they used pre-children. If you have been underdosing detergent for a while you may find you need to use a significant amount of detergent for several washes to remove the buildup of dirt and grime.

Sometimes items will still be stained when the wash cycle finishes, even when using the best detergent. Detergent alone often isn’t enough and you must add other stain removal products and techniques. Laundry boosters and chlorine bleach are useful for removing stains. Bar soap is useful for removing physical soiling (such as residual poo, mud or food).

Some items won’t tolerate warm to hot washes, and instead, need agitation and spot treatment to get clean. Others require professional service and dry cleaning.

Essential laundry products

We recommend you have on hand:

  • a detergent, preferably with enzymes, for everyday clothing (powder or liquid)
  • bar soap for removing physical soiling
  • chlorine bleach
  • an enzyme-free liquid detergent for wool and silk

Silk and wool are delicate fabrics and require enzyme-free liquid laundry detergent. For stains use liquid Vanish or bar soap. Learn more about caring for wool.

Pretreatment and stain removal comparison
Product In-wash Cost Soft water Hard water Sustainable1
Bar soap
Stain removal spray
Laundry booster (oxygen bleach) varies2
Chlorine bleach
1. Evaluated based on packaging (use-to-plastic ratio) 2. Using laundry booster in soft water may cause excess suds

For greasy items

Spot treat with a bar of soap, use enough detergent and the highest temperature the fabric will tolerate in the washing machine.

For mould removal

See the information on the mould removal page and treat stains as above.

Removing makeup stains

Use an appropriate solvent stain remover (available in the laundry aisle at the supermarket) and a warm-hot wash (as much temperature as the fabric will tolerate). A long, hot front loader cycle with adequate detergent should remove makeup from towels and clothing.


See our advice on cleaning prams and strollers.

Car Seats

Follow the manufacturer’s advice for cleaning.

Need help with your cloth nappy wash routine?

Join the Clean Cloth Nappies Facebook group, tell us about the issue, and one of our dedicated volunteers will try to help you find the solution.

Information to include with your post

  • The issue you are having
  • What detergent you use
  • How often you run your first wash
  • How often you run your main wash