2020 Christmas and New Year Holidays update

The Clean Cloth Nappies Admin team will be taking a break over the Christmas and New Year holidays.

Baby lying in inflatable ring

The Clean Cloth Nappies Admin team will be taking a break over the Christmas and New Year holidays, this means posts won’t be approved between 24th of December 2020, through to 4th of January 2021.

If you need assistance during this time please check out our website and have a look through the Facebook group Units or Topics, or search (however old and outdated information comes up in group search, so your best option is to look at the website first, then the Units). Please be aware that we don’t troubleshoot wash or cloth use advice over private message to admin or via email.

If you would like to set up a Website Subscription please do so in the next week because any account issues will take longer to be actioned over this time period.

We will be doing a wrap up post on the 23rd of December with a summary of the highlights of the year.

We hope you have a safe and Merry Christmas and enjoy the holidays!

~ The Clean Cloth Nappies Admin Team