Bleach calculator 2.0 (Patreon exclusive)

The CCN bleach calculator you know and love, rewritten from scratch to be more intuitive, easier to use and provide contextual information.

Hello all,

We launched the original bleach calculator in 2020. Some of you may remember we actually launched four separate calculators: small-scale, top loader, front loader with known water usage and front loader without known water usage! It was a huge leap forward compared to the bathtub strip soaks practised at the time.

A look back at the original bleach calculator

The original calculators provided different concentrations for different applications, and let washing machines do the heavy lifting. All in all, it was a game-changer. Our changes made the sanitising process easier, more convenient and less wasteful.

In 2021 we consolidated the four calculators into one, enabling users to switch between different machine and small-scale methods.

In 2022 we launched our single wash (daycare protocol) page, then a streamlined version for mouldy textiles, and followed this with a version for cleaning and sanitising prams.

We kept adding on features to help members: instructions for how to sanitise during thrush treatment, more information about post-sanitise stain treatment and promoting bleach in prewash to help with cost of living pressures… Meanwhile, in the background, the process of maintaining the calculator became more complex. I had to keep adding more rules and conditions to the calculator so that it would work for the multitude of applications. It was more complex than figuring out my toddler’s “current” favourite T-shirt! It felt like any change would bring the whole thing tumbling down. The bleach calculator needed an overhaul.

Version 2.0

Version 2.0  is our best iteration yet. I’ve rewritten the entire calculator from scratch to make it more intuitive, easier to use and provide contextual information. Information is now where you want it when you need it – no more cross-referencing different tables or reading different notes to see what fabric is and is not suitable.

We are releasing this to our patrons first <3

This is your opportunity to try it out before we release it to the wider website subscribers. Check out version 2.0 now and let us know what you think!