Warranties, consumer rights and guarantees for cloth nappies

Australian consumer guarantees are separate from manufacturer or retailer warranties. Using laundry products in the way they were intended won’t damage nappies.

brown tote bag on white surface

Our specialty is washing nappies, not consumer law. If you have an issue with a product the best point of contact is the retailer or manufacturer.

Under Australian Consumer Law products sold must be of acceptable quality. This means they need to be safe, durable, able to do what products of their kind normally do and acceptable in appearance and finish.

Warranties and consumer guarantees

Australia, along with many other countries, has consumer guarantees that are separate from retailers’ or manufacturers’ warranties. As long as a consumer is using an item for the purpose that was intended, in a reasonable manner and time frame, they are covered by these guarantees.

The basic rights covered by consumer guarantees can’t be taken away by anything a business says or does… Warranties are extra promises that a business can choose to make on top of the consumer guarantees.

Consumer rights and guarantees, Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC)

Private sales

Private sales, such as second-hand nappies, are not covered by Australian consumer guarantees.

Resolving issues

If you have an issue with a product you first need to contact the business directly and explain your issue. Keep your correspondence objective and include a clear outcome.

The ACCC complaint letter tool is a useful place to start. In most instances, the situation can be resolved directly with the business.

If you are not satisfied with the response your next step is to seek advice from your state or territory fair trading office. This agency can act on behalf of you, the consumer.

Consumer complaint process:

  • ask the business for a refund (or replacement)
  • if the business does not comply contact your state or territory fair trading office
  • you can also make a complaint to the ACCC. While ACCC will not get involved in your individual dispute, your complaint will be registered and considered against their current enforcement priorities

Australian fair trading offices

Each agency provides advice on how to resolve issues before progressing to a formal complaint.

Our washing advice

Our washing advice is not intended to replace reasonable businesses’ recommendations, especially if they already align with our suggestions.

Using laundry products in the way they were intended will not damage nappies. Misuse will damage nappies, for example using undiluted bleach on any nappy parts, or putting PUL shells or AIO nappies in a 95ºC cycle.

Please note, our advice should not be used as justification for warranty claims (refer to our terms of service for more information).

References and further reading

  1. Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, Complaint letter tool (June 27, 2023) <https://www.accc.gov.au/consumers/problem-with-a-product-or-service-you-bought/contacting-a-business-to-fix-a-problem/complaint-letter-tool>.
  2. Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, Consumer guarantees (January 26, 2022) <https://www.accc.gov.au/consumers/consumer-rights-guarantees/consumer-guarantees>.