Adding detergent directly to the drum

Learn how to prevent detergent clumping in the detergent drawer in cooler weather.

Photo by Andre Taissin on Unsplash

In the cooler months, the water running through your household water pipes is also cooler than in the warmer months. This means the water entering front loader washers is cooler, and detergent can clump in the detergent drawer. Unfortunately, this often leads to powder detergents getting stuck in the detergent drawer rather than being flushed into the washer. This means more detergent left in the drawer and less in your wash loads. The leftover powder can etch into the plastic of the drawer itself.

It’s not you, it’s the cold weather! 

This is most common with Biozet powder but can happen with any powder detergent.

Solutions include:

  • Flush powder down the detergent drawer with warm water
  • Dissolve powder with warm water and into the detergent drawer
  • Add powder detergent or laundry booster directly into the drum
  • Add liquid or powder to a small washable container and add to the drum

Prolonged direct contact with detergent can cause localised bleaching. Add detergent to a container if setting a delayed start on your washing machine.

If you are starting the wash cycle immediately it doesn’t matter what method you use.

I add detergent to my machine in a small silicone measuring cup. The silicone is soft so it doesn’t make a noise in the machine. 

~ Katie, Australia

I used to always use containers, but now I only use them for liquid detergents. I just put powder detergents right on the bottom of the drum, underneath the laundry. 

~ Laura, Australia.